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Antonov An-225 Mriya (UR-82060) - Lady of the skies
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Antonov An-225 Mriya (UR-82060)


Lady of the skies


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Viv Pike
A225 is Mriya not Antheus
Lothar RöserPhoto Uploader
@Viv Pike, they`re right, it`s the Mriya.I can not correct it.
The proportion with the tank truck gives a good idea of how huge is the big Antonov!
marylou anderson
Mercy! That is one gi-normous aircraft
Matha Goram
As Bartolomeo pointed out below, the truck also offers some idea on the capacity of the on-board tanks perhaps.

Used to see one at KIAH occasionally several years ago prior to the construction of Terminal E. Would love to see any takeoff video from 33R if it were to return. If it will be long wait then I'll settle for Lufthansa's A380.
Viv Pike
The AN-225 can carry around 661,375 lbs of fuel. (More than 300,000 kg). That equates to roughly 110,000 US Gallons of gas, or about 416,000 liters ... give or take.
Great photo !!!
Leon Kay
Another good photo of this massive aircraft. I wonder whether one tank truck is sufficient to refuel this huge aircraft.
Viv Pike
Leon - if that tank truck can carry 416,000 liters of fuel, I will drink it all. :)
Considering that the AN225 carries around 300,000 kg of fuel, and a typical truck has a maximum load of around 36,000 kg, you would be looking at 8 or 9 of those tanker trucks to refuel an empty AN225.
Do the owners of this bird own a separate oil field to keep her fueled?
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