2 Stimmen (4.00 Durchschnitt) und 272 Ansichten  

Bell 430 (N430D) - Now here's a stunner! It seems that this Bell 430 is a fairly new addition to the Dallas/Fort Worth area! For some background information on this relatively rare and impressive executive helicopter, it's one of only 136 ever built between 1996 and 2008. As a stretched and more powerful development of the Bell 222/230, it can accommodate ten passengers, including a pilot and co-pilot, with eight seats in the main cabin arranged in three rows. With its impressive speed of 160 mph and service ceiling of up to 14,600 feet, it's quite the capable helicopter.
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Bell 430 (N430D)


Now here's a stunner! It seems that this Bell 430 is a fairly new addition to the Dallas/Fort Worth area! For some background information on this relatively rare and impressive executive helicopter, it's one of only 136 ever built between 1996 and 2008. As a stretched and more powerful development of the Bell 222/230, it can accommodate ten passengers, including a pilot and co-pilot, with eight seats in the main cabin arranged in three rows. With its impressive speed of 160 mph and service ceiling of up to 14,600 feet, it's quite the capable helicopter.


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