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BOEING 727-200 (N438BN) - A wonderful surprise to see this classic 45 year old 727-200 depart Dallas Love Field this morning. br /This particular 727 has a storied career, starting off with Braniff International Airways in May of 1975. It then changed hands to People Express and was even flown by Southwest Airlines for a short time! It ended up eventually being most well known as the team transport for the MLB's Colorado Rockies before being placed into storage in 2016. br /In September 2019, the aircraft changed ownership to "CARIBBEAN CARGO CARRIERS LLC, and interestingly, the registration was reverted from N17773 back to its former Braniff registration, N438BN. The aircraft was then flown out of the Marana, AZ boneyard to Kansas City. After multiple attempts to fly the 727 to Dallas Love Field, the aircraft finally touched down on December 5th. After 5 days, the aircraft departed for Miami. br /It's unknown what will become of this aircraft but clearly there is something in the works. Either way, it's fantastic to see another one of these beautiful tri-holers snatched from the grave. A boneyard story with a happy ending!
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BOEING 727-200 (N438BN)


A wonderful surprise to see this classic 45 year old 727-200 depart Dallas Love Field this morning.
This particular 727 has a storied career, starting off with Braniff International Airways in May of 1975. It then changed hands to People Express and was even flown by Southwest Airlines for a short time! It ended up eventually being most well known as the team transport for the MLB's Colorado Rockies before being placed into storage in 2016.
In September 2019, the aircraft changed ownership to "CARIBBEAN CARGO CARRIERS LLC, and interestingly, the registration was reverted from N17773 back to its former Braniff registration, N438BN. The aircraft was then flown out of the Marana, AZ boneyard to Kansas City. After multiple attempts to fly the 727 to Dallas Love Field, the aircraft finally touched down on December 5th. After 5 days, the aircraft departed for Miami.
It's unknown what will become of this aircraft but clearly there is something in the works. Either way, it's fantastic to see another one of these beautiful tri-holers snatched from the grave. A boneyard story with a happy ending!


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Jim Metzger
One of my favorite aircraft! Great picture too!
Diana Rose
A Real Pretty Shot!
This jet now resides at KMLB, no idea how or why it's here, but i look at it everyday i work. Parked over at STS Mod Center.
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