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Boeing 787-8 (N967AM) - An AeroMexico B787-8 on final approach into LHR, landing on runway 27L.br /br /Location: Myrtle Ave.br /Date: 04.09.22 (dd/mm/yy),
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Boeing 787-8 (N967AM)


An AeroMexico B787-8 on final approach into LHR, landing on runway 27L.

Location: Myrtle Ave.
Date: 04.09.22 (dd/mm/yy),


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Keith Brown
AeroMexico with U.S. registry? And operating domestically as American Airlines? Code share? What's going on here? Seems very strange to me...
Jeff MPhoto Uploader
Yeh it does seem very random, But to my knowledge it is a leased jet, alongside some others...
It’s N967AM, not AN. It is leased though, hence the US registration.
Micky ch
This "bird" is one of the aircraft that Aeromexico leases, unlike the XA-ADL that belongs to the airline.

I am very happy to see an aircraft from my country's fleet in this list, thanks to the person who uploaded it.
Jeff MPhoto Uploader
masonite, thank you for noticing that... Must've made a typo error when uploading.
and to Micky ch, you're welcome!
You’re welcome.
Möchten Sie eine vollständige Historiensuche für N967AM bis ins Jahr 1998 zurück? Jetzt kaufen und innerhalb einer Stunde erhalten.
Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
14.03.2025 B788Tokio-Narita ()Mexiko-Stadt () 12:16 JST 08:38 CST In der Luft
13.03.2025 B788Mexiko-Stadt ()Tokio-Narita () 01:28 CST 06:17 JST (+1) 13:48
12.03.2025 B788Incheon ()Mexiko-Stadt () 11:40 KST 09:39 CST 12:58
10.03.2025 B788Monterrey ()Incheon () 23:24 CST 04:47 KST (+2) 14:22
10.03.2025 B788Mexiko-Stadt ()Monterrey () 20:22 CST 21:32 CST 1:10
10.03.2025 B788Los Angeles ()Mexiko-Stadt () 12:54 PDT 16:49 CST 2:54
10.03.2025 B788Mexiko-Stadt ()Los Angeles () 07:44 CST 10:08 PDT 3:23
09.03.2025 B788London Heathrow ()Mexiko-Stadt () 22:37 GMT 03:10 CST (+1) 10:33
08.03.2025 B788Mexiko-Stadt ()London Heathrow () 23:08 CST 14:49 GMT (+1) 9:41
07.03.2025 B788Tokio-Narita ()Mexiko-Stadt () 12:07 JST 08:38 CST 11:30
06.03.2025 B788Mexiko-Stadt ()Tokio-Narita () 01:18 CST 06:34 JST (+1) 14:16
05.03.2025 B788Incheon ()Mexiko-Stadt () 11:59 KST 09:29 CST 12:30
03.03.2025 B788Monterrey ()Incheon () 23:22 CST 04:52 KST (+2) 14:30
03.03.2025 B788Mexiko-Stadt ()Monterrey () 20:18 CST 21:28 CST 1:09
03.03.2025 B788Tokio-Narita ()Mexiko-Stadt () 12:29 JST 08:50 CST 11:20
02.03.2025 B788Mexiko-Stadt ()Tokio-Narita () 01:23 CST 06:16 JST (+1) 13:53
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