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Antonov An-12 (UR-82029) - UR-82029 departing for LAX.  Part of a double Antonov event here at DFW 8/23/2018.  In the background AAL B738 N975AN  departs simultaneously for IND.
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Antonov An-12 (UR-82029)


UR-82029 departing for LAX. Part of a 'double Antonov' event here at DFW 8/23/2018. In the background AAL B738 N975AN departs simultaneously for IND.


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Looks like it's dropping a 737 cruise missile
Harry Ellett
It is an Antonov AN-124. The Antonov AN-12 is a 4 engine Turbo-Prop aircraft much like the Air Force C-130 except it is a bit larger than the C-130. However, the C-130 is a much better, far more versatile aircraft than the AN-12. The C-130 is also a higher quality built aircraft, with far superior performance than the AN-12.
Kevin Haiduk
Nice one @jaxstrw!
Leon Kay
Good shot.
This photo provides a good comparison of the size difference between this Ukrainian Antonov An-124 and a Boeing 737 :-).
Charles Mills
I drove by this jet parked. Was going to turn around and get a picture but had dinner reservations. Had to do a double take as I had never seen one here in the US.
Fred Wood
One caught me by surprise as it flew over Lake City, SC on its way from Charleston to Washington, 06/09/18.
Should be the A124 not AN12. Great shot!
Michael FlaggPhoto Uploader
Cbro4: Arrrrrghhhh! An-124...I know that!! I can't type worth sit! Thanks for the kind comment though!


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