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North American P-51 Mustang (N551VC) - 1944 F-51D
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

North American P-51 Mustang (N551VC)


1944 F-51D


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Charles Peele
Hideous! Looks like something from our Houston Gay Pride Parade! No self respecting P-51 need be treated like this.
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
I disagree. Steve Hinton's beautiful creation. Won this years Reno air race unlimited championship with an average lap speed of 462mph
Charles Peele
So tell me Sam, are you implying that this perfectly good P-51 Mustang could not have won the race as a self respecting aircraft rather than something from a circus?
Mark See
Nice shot Sam! Did you have a good time at the races? I actually think that this paint job looks pretty nice. It might look funny on a 172, but I think it looks good on a racing aircraft.
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
I love the races. It's been a few year but I'm def goin annually. Weather was nice and my buddy's team was there. Spent a lot of time in the pit.
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
Charles. People know voodoo as these colors. Same with rare bear being a metallic purple and orange
William Baldwin
Great Shot, SAM!!! (maybe you can paint your Reno winner the colors you like...Mr. Peele)
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
Blue and gold are my teams colors. Team precious metal.
William Baldwin
I played in Rare Bear as a kid. I always feel like it's still mine!
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