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Airbus A380-800 (D-AIMD) - with my longest longlens!! Evening sun!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Airbus A380-800 (D-AIMD)


with my longest longlens!! Evening sun!


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Fabian Dirscherl
ganz stark!
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
danke Crazy!
foto bien lograda
marylou anderson
Howl ong is your longest lens?
Very nice shot.
What is your tripod brand? What kind of shutter release cable do you use?
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
Hi Mary!!
Focus is near 800 mm, freehand, no tripod!
just a snapshot, almost impossible in Frankfurt.
For such pics the conditions must be optimal, clear air, temperature, angle of the sun, the right aircraft and a Little luck together with the feeling of the moment!
Greg Byington
And from the angle of your shot you must have been on the west side of the airport, and I'm guessing that this flight was using runway 25C (or 25L?). (Those tall buildings in the background are way downtown; approx. 14-15 km away.) And you were probably 2-2.5 km away from the aircraft when you took the pic. Just guessing. ;-)
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
Hi Greg! Thank you for your comment. Yes, you are absolutly right, the aircraft is departing RWY. 25C, 2,4 km away from the Ape's Rock.
Left side in backround is the Maintower, and right hand the Commerz Bank Tower, Germanys highest skyscraper!
This 2 buildings are 14 km away!!

Greetings from Frankfurt!!
Greg Byington
Howdy, Uwe! You're welcome, and greetings from sunny Arizona!
Carlos Mainzer
wow! Nice shot Uwe!
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you Carlos!
Brian Groves
Great shot - looks like a close one
Frankfurt am Main! With the Maintower, the only skyscraper where people can visit the top, and the highest building in Germany in the background, Commerzbank! Great photo!
Is the plane landing or starting?
Now I have seen: departing!
Wunderbares Foto! Darf ich es verwenden?
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