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Boeing 747-400 (VH-OEE)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Boeing 747-400 (VH-OEE)



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What happened here
Some kind of emergency? all the exit doors are open
Certainly not an emergency. The aircraft appears to be at a maintenance gate since there is no air bridge in sight and the cones in front of the engines suggest air side traffic might move in this space instead. The ladder at the nose wheel and what appears to be an intercom lead on the ground, suggests some maintenance is underway or perhaps she's being readied for towing to the departure gate. The engines aren't running, not with cones in front of them and there are no battery or starter units or air con units attached so while the APU could be going, it seems more likely the aircraft is electrically dead. So, it will be hot on board and the doors are open no doubt to let some fresh air in for any maintenance personnel working on board. Shadows on the ground suggest another door is open on the other side behind the wing. There doesn't seem to be any ladders up to the aircraft (although we can't see the other side) and she seems 'deserted' so perhaps they are just drying something out or the maintenance crew are on a break?
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