6 Stimmen (4.50 Durchschnitt) und 2.319 Ansichten  

McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N908WA) - KSFO - Pre 1987 merger with Delta Airlines. Western Airlines had regular DC-10 service at SFO. Ship 908 on pushback getting ready for taxi to 1R. Quiz. Where was the DC-10 headed and 2 Bonus points only - what jet type and Airline with the blue tip tail is behind the DC-10? ( not the 747) Celestron 1000mm lens w Minolta XD-11 from atop the ladder.
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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N908WA)


KSFO - Pre 1987 merger with Delta Airlines. Western Airlines had regular DC-10 service at SFO. Ship 908 on pushback getting ready for taxi to 1R. Quiz. Where was the DC-10 headed and 2 Bonus points only - what jet type and Airline with the blue tip tail is behind the DC-10? ( not the 747) Celestron 1000mm lens w Minolta XD-11 from atop the ladder.


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Loren Wood
Going to SLC and the plane behind was a Delta DC-10?......lucky guess if I'm right.
Karl Lehenbauer
Agree with Loren Wood, SLC.
C.W. Reed
Hi Tom: I would guess SFO to DEN. Guessing British Airways Landor livery on the other tail. Hoosier Cheers

Tom VancePhoto Uploader
Thank you for the guessing - I am getting old and I gave away all my time tables, but I think this went to LAX- then HNL...or it went direct SFO-HNL. The Blue tip tail behind the Western -10 Heavy is a Capitol Airlines DC-8 Charter. Capitol was at SFO infrequently and I never got a good picture of their aircraft. Thank you all.
C.W. Reed
I believe you are right! Western DC-10's went to LAX for the PHNL leg. Forgot all about Capital Charter as well! As always, love your pics from the good old days!:-)

Tom VancePhoto Uploader
Thank you Cdub. The 737/727s handled SLC and other destinations, and now I sure wish I still had some of those timetables :) I sold most at our SFO Airline Collectible show, or gave packets of 5 away as door prizes. I didn't think many viewers would catch the DC-8.... Have a nice Christmas.
C.W. Reed
Very welcome! Keep them coming, Tom! Happy Holidays!:-)

Möchten Sie eine vollständige Historiensuche für N908WA bis ins Jahr 1998 zurück? Jetzt kaufen und innerhalb einer Stunde erhalten.
Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
11.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:14 EDT 11:22 EDT 1:08
10.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:15 EDT 11:26 EDT 1:10
10.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 08:30 EDT 08:35 EDT 0:05
10.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 08:12 EDT 08:22 EDT 0:10
10.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 07:51 EDT 08:02 EDT 0:11
08.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:15 EST 12:38 EST 2:22
07.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 17:54 EST 18:05 EST 0:11
07.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 17:35 EST 17:43 EST 0:08
07.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 15:12 EST 16:33 EST 1:21
07.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 12:28 EST 14:12 EST 1:43
07.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:23 EST 11:24 EST 1:00
07.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 08:01 EST 08:46 EST 0:45
07.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 07:48 EST 07:53 EST 0:04
06.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 18:14 EST 18:26 EST 0:12
06.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 16:59 EST 18:06 EST 1:06
01.03.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:52 EST 11:42 EST 0:49
28.02.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 17:05 EST 18:13 EST 1:07
28.02.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 14:33 EST 15:32 EST 0:59
28.02.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:16 EST 11:40 EST 1:23
26.02.2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:32 EST 11:30 EST 0:57
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