14 Stimmen (5.00 Durchschnitt) und 9.453 Ansichten  

Airbus A320 (N475UA) - This was the scene in the alley on the RNO ramp shortly after high noon yesterday.  You wont see a sight like this very often ... here ... or (almost) anywhere.  United Airlines only has a few special livery aircraft.   And in those few, UA only has two aircraft in its entire fleet that are painted in former airline livery schemes (commonly referred to as "Retro" or "Heritage" liveries):  this A320 dressed in Uniteds 1970s-era "Friend Ship" garb (N475UA) and this B739 that wears ex-Continental Airliness 1950s "Blue Skyway" colors (N75435).  The "Friend Ship" and "Blue Skyway" liveries are the only two "Retro" schemes in UAs huge fleet. The "Continental Airlines" scheme seen here made its first-ever visit to RNO just a few weeks back, so yesterday was only the second time it has been at Reno.  The "Friend Ship" livery has been here numerous times.  Yesterday, in an extremely rare 45 minute time frame, Uniteds only two "retro" livery aircraft stood side-by-side with each other.  A scene like this is quite rare even at Uniteds major hub terminals such as Chicago, San Fran., etc., not because the two jets arent at those airports at the same time (they often are), but because those cities have so many UA gates that the two aircraft rarely end up side-by-side.  For it to happen here is almost a one-in-a-million event; in fact, until the final months of last year, United wasnt even using B739 equipment here at Reno so the Continental schemed jet would never have been here.  There are so many pics in the gallery of both of these schemes already that I wasnt going to post this one ... until I discovered there are no shots of the two of them side-by-side.
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Airbus A320 (N475UA)


This was the scene in the alley on the RNO ramp shortly after high noon yesterday. You won't see a sight like this very often ... here ... or (almost) anywhere. United Airlines only has a few special livery aircraft. And in those few, UA only has two aircraft in its entire fleet that are painted in former airline livery schemes (commonly referred to as "Retro" or "Heritage" liveries): this A320 dressed in United's 1970s-era "Friend Ship" garb (N475UA) and this B739 that wears ex-Continental Airlines's 1950s "Blue Skyway" colors (N75435). The "Friend Ship" and "Blue Skyway" liveries are the only two "Retro" schemes in UA's huge fleet. The "Continental Airlines" scheme seen here made its first-ever visit to RNO just a few weeks back, so yesterday was only the second time it has been at Reno. The "Friend Ship" livery has been here numerous times. Yesterday, in an extremely rare 45 minute time frame, United's only two "retro" livery aircraft stood side-by-side with each other. A scene like this is quite rare even at United's major hub terminals such as Chicago, San Fran., etc., not because the two jets aren't at those airports at the same time (they often are), but because those cities have so many UA gates that the two aircraft rarely end up side-by-side. For it to happen here is almost a one-in-a-million event; in fact, until the final months of last year, United wasn't even using B739 equipment here at Reno so the Continental schemed jet would never have been here. There are so many pics in the gallery of both of these schemes already that I wasn't going to post this one ... until I discovered there are no shots of the two of them side-by-side.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
This is a very memorable sight for RNO. For an amateur aviation photo hobbyist like myself, this is a picture that someone like me never even dreams about snapping. When I learned (at around 3:45 AM) that they would both be here at the same time, I drove to Reno and settled in to wait at a parking lot on the east side of the airport by 5:45 AM. That's how unique this was. When I was out on the ramp as the Continental B739 arrived, the United ground crew had no knowledge that these would both be here at the same time, so I told them. They were incredulous ... that it was happening (and that I knew before even they did ... lol) ... and they were very willing to let me be there to take photos. I took well over one hundred. (lol) *NOTE: Even as this photo is being posted, UA's N475UA is once again enroute here from KDEN. However, N75435 is not here today. This pic was clicked yesterday (May 16, 2017).
Gary... they should paint 'em all like this!!!
Greg Byington
Very cool, Gary!
Dave Sheehy
Nice catch Gary! 5*
Tom Vance
RNO calendar shot, Boss! 5x5! - what do you mean amatuer? and why only 100 pics?lol
Möchten Sie eine vollständige Historiensuche für N475UA bis ins Jahr 1998 zurück? Jetzt kaufen und innerhalb einer Stunde erhalten.
Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
15.03.2025 A320St. Louis ()Denver () 16:40 CDT 17:56 MDT Planmäßig
15.03.2025 A320Houston Bush Int'ctl ()St. Louis () 13:33 CDT 15:19 CDT Planmäßig
15.03.2025 A320Mexiko-Stadt ()Houston Bush Int'ctl () 09:15 CST 12:13 CDT Planmäßig
14.03.2025 A320San Francisco ()Mexiko-Stadt () 13:35 PDT 18:27 CST Planmäßig
14.03.2025 A320Austin-Bergstrom Int'l ()San Francisco () 09:00 CDT 10:39 PDT Planmäßig
13.03.2025 A320Houston Bush Int'ctl ()Austin-Bergstrom Int'l () 19:24 CDT 19:55 CDT 0:30
13.03.2025 A320Mexiko-Stadt ()Houston Bush Int'ctl () 15:14 CST 17:57 CDT 1:42
13.03.2025 A320Houston Bush Int'ctl ()Mexiko-Stadt () 12:16 CDT 13:10 CST 1:54
13.03.2025 A320Detroit ()Houston Bush Int'ctl () 08:45 EDT 10:16 CDT 2:31
12.03.2025 A320Denver ()Detroit () 17:37 MDT 22:02 EDT 2:25
12.03.2025 A320Palm Springs Intl ()Denver () 11:20 PDT 13:59 MDT 1:39
12.03.2025 A320Denver ()Palm Springs Intl () 08:17 MDT 09:07 PDT 1:50
11.03.2025 A320Seattle/Tacoma ()Denver () 19:20 PDT 22:33 MDT 2:12
11.03.2025 A320Denver ()Seattle/Tacoma () 16:18 MDT 17:42 PDT 2:24
11.03.2025 A320Albuquerque Intl Sunport ()Denver () 13:39 MDT 14:33 MDT 0:53
11.03.2025 A320Denver ()Albuquerque Intl Sunport () 11:23 MDT 12:18 MDT 0:55
11.03.2025 A320Detroit ()Denver () 08:52 EDT 09:50 MDT 2:58
10.03.2025 A320Denver ()Detroit () 17:36 MDT 21:49 EDT 2:12
10.03.2025 A320Albuquerque Intl Sunport ()Denver () 13:35 MDT 14:29 MDT 0:54
10.03.2025 A320Denver ()Albuquerque Intl Sunport () 11:36 MDT 12:29 MDT 0:52
10.03.2025 A320Raleigh/Durham ()Denver () 08:25 EDT 09:44 MDT 3:18
09.03.2025 A320Denver ()Raleigh/Durham () 17:53 MDT 22:46 EDT 2:52
09.03.2025 A320Durango-La Plata County ()Denver () 13:48 MDT 14:35 MDT 0:46
09.03.2025 A320Denver ()Durango-La Plata County () 11:35 MDT 12:15 MDT 0:39
09.03.2025 A320Jacksonville ()Denver () 08:28 EDT 09:56 MDT 3:28
08.03.2025 A320Denver ()Jacksonville () 17:56 MST 22:40 EST 2:43
08.03.2025 A320Austin-Bergstrom Int'l ()Denver () 12:09 CST 12:48 MST 1:39
08.03.2025 A320Denver ()Austin-Bergstrom Int'l () 08:14 MST 10:59 CST 1:44
07.03.2025 A320Los Angeles-Ontario ()Denver () 15:06 PST 17:57 MST 1:50
07.03.2025 A320Denver ()Los Angeles-Ontario () 12:23 MST 13:12 PST 1:48
07.03.2025 A320Jacksonville ()Denver () 08:45 EST 10:31 MST 3:46
06.03.2025 A320Washington-Dulles-Intl ()Jacksonville () 19:30 EST 20:53 EST 1:23
06.03.2025 A320Dallas/Fort Worth ()Washington-Dulles-Intl () 14:46 CST 17:59 EST 2:12
06.03.2025 A320Washington-Dulles-Intl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 11:58 EST 13:45 CST 2:46
06.03.2025 A320Jacksonville ()Washington-Dulles-Intl () 09:24 EST 10:56 EST 1:32
05.03.2025 A320O’Hare Int'l ()Jacksonville () 18:40 CST 21:28 EST 1:47
05.03.2025 A320Toronto ()O’Hare Int'l () 15:46 EST 15:55 CST 1:09
05.03.2025 A320O’Hare Int'l ()Toronto () 11:44 CST 13:48 EST 1:03
05.03.2025 A320New York-LaGuardia ()O’Hare Int'l () 09:22 EST 10:09 CST 1:46
04.03.2025 A320O’Hare Int'l ()New York-LaGuardia () 19:01 CST 21:36 EST 1:34
04.03.2025 A320Seattle/Tacoma ()O’Hare Int'l () 11:26 PST 16:55 CST 3:28
04.03.2025 A320Denver ()Seattle/Tacoma () 07:54 MST 09:22 PST 2:27
04.03.2025 A320Eppley Airfield ()Denver () 06:10 CST 06:20 MST 1:09
03.03.2025 A320Denver ()Eppley Airfield () 21:28 MST 23:32 CST 1:03
03.03.2025 A320San José ()Denver () 17:00 PST 20:11 MST 2:10
03.03.2025 A320Denver ()San José () 13:21 MST 14:26 PST 2:04
03.03.2025 A320Gallatin Field ()Denver () 10:56 MST 12:13 MST 1:16
03.03.2025 A320Denver ()Gallatin Field () 08:05 MST 09:23 MST 1:17
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