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Boeing 747-400 (B-18712) - On the climb from KSFO enroute to Taiwan (RCTP).
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Boeing 747-400 (B-18712)


On the climb from KSFO enroute to Taiwan (RCTP).


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
I had not expected to have the good fortune to spot a 747, so getting some captures of this one was quite a nice treat.
Darryl Sarno
Great shot Gary! I hope to get to SFO someday!
Greg Byington
That's a really nice shot, Gary!
Gavin Hughes
Fantastic, and capitalizing on your luck.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Darryl, Greg, and Gavin ... Hi and TY, guys. Gavin .. Plenty of good fortune involved in this trip: A free plane ride to SFO and back to RNO (courtesy of UA), then (while at SFO) spotting this Queen of the Skies, a quick (but very much appreciated) tour thru an A330, and a few minutes on the airfield itself. And all as a result of my pics here on FA. This was the third free air trip in the past ten months. Not bad for an amateur photog, eh? I'm off again later this afternoon for a week-long road trip to airports in CA. Back next Saturday night. Be safe down there, my friend. (Wave)
Tom Vance
You spelled amatuer wrong, = -5x for humility, but gained x5 for the pic and x5 for SFO picture, and Gman pics - Pro in my book to you, and are not an amatuer, you're just not getting paid for awesome work you do!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Yo and Howdy, Alien. Nope. I spelled amateur correctly ... "e" before "u". And it IS true that I don't get paid -- Cash! And because I've never sold a pic or made any taxable income from a pic, it means that I'm not a professional photog; thus, technically, I'm an amateur photog. OK, every once in a while I do get some "bennies" in exchange for my amateur efforts, but it is nothing more than any other amateur FA photog can get for their pics. And hey, I'm kickin' around the idea of another trip to SFO in August. Maybe we could link up at Sacto??
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