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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (93-7313) - A pair of Lockheed C-130H Hercs (93-7313 in the foreground) on the NevANG 152d AW "High Rollers" ramp at the end of a busy flying day.
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (93-7313)


A pair of Lockheed C-130H Hercs (93-7313 in the foreground) on the NevANG 152d AW "High Rollers" ramp at the end of a busy flying day.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be out on the ramp to take photos. TYVVM, Thomas. (Wave)
Darryl Sarno
Great shot Gary! 2 is always better than 1! All 5!
Gavin Hughes
Great pic Gary, great opportunity well used.
Hawk Moore
Great pics Gary. Aren’t those C-130Js?
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Hiya, Darryl & Gavin (Wave) >>> Thanx, guys.
Howdy, Hawk >> TY for the compli. And to answer your question ... no, they are Hs. In fact, I had the opportunity to take this shot because I had been invited to take photos at a "birthday party" style event celebrating the 74th Anniversary of the Nevada ANG and after making his opening congratulatory remarks, the very first topic the guest speaker expanded on was that he is diligently working to fly out "these Hs" and " ... bring in the Js." Presently, there are no Js; but based on his comments, I believe there WILL be ... and fairly soon. (Wave)
Jorgiane Kaminski
Great catch, Gary! I think these turboprop aircraft are amazing. I love the sound of the engines and the sound of the blades turning...
John Hornsby III
Great shot of MAFFS 9. The two from Nevada are the only two that are currently flying I haven't caught.
marylou anderson
Nice Job Gary!
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