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North American P-51 Mustang (N51PE) - Just becoming airborne, Little Horse (N51PE / NL51PE) takes off to participate in the Texas Flying Legends Museum performance at the 2017 Reno Air Races.
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North American P-51 Mustang (N51PE)


Just becoming airborne, "Little Horse" (N51PE / NL51PE) takes off to participate in the Texas Flying Legends Museum performance at the 2017 Reno Air Races.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Officially confirmed yesterday: the B-2 arrives Sunday.
Dave Sheehy
Nice one Gary! I was hoping you would be posting some of your RAR pictures. 5*+++
Gary... I want to vote more than once on this one!!!

*F*I*V*E* Stars!!!
Jason Belanger
stunning shot!
Yves Des Horts
Merveilleux avion Quelle joie de pouvoir voler sur une tel appareil. Est 'll possible f'envisager un vol sur ce magnifique avion quelque soit le pays ou ce vol pourrait être possible. Merci d'avance
roland pfeifer
My favorite WWII war bird. Freeky fast.
That certainly is a great shot of the P51. Am I right in understanding that the 'plane was fitted with a Merlin engine at some stage ??
Doug Cook
What's that signature below belly duct servicing?
Doug Cook - that's the air inlet and location for the radiator. The Merlin engines were liquid cooled, as were the original Allison engines in the first P-51 versions and the A-36 Apache version of this design.

Our British friends made the Mustang great when they dropped their fabulous Rolls-Royce Merlin engine into one. The rest is history!

That Rolls-Royce Merlin engine was later license built by Packard in the U.S.A., hence the Packard-Merlin powered P-51.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Dave, Cliff, Jason, Yves, Roland, HappiChap, and Doug ... Thanx for your comments and complis.
Cliff .. Another Thanx to you for replying to HappiC and Doug with the answers to their questions. (I just got back home from an extended r/trip.) I'm just about to post a headon snap of another Mustang (Wee Willy II) doing a runup of its V-12 Packard (R/R) Merlin. I'll have it posted in a few minutes so check it out when you get a sec.
Gary... thanks for the kind words and you are very welcome, sir!!!

And a special thanks for sharing your great photo of "Wee Willy II"... :-)
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
For those who have not yet heard, this September's National Championship Air Races (aka: Reno Air Races) will be the final time the event is held at Stead Airport. No new "home' for the event has been officially announced.
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