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CHRISTEN Husky (N62WY) - STOL Drag Race --  "The Dog" (N62WY), piloted by Austin Clemens (Benton, KS) versus "Echo' (N314BE), piloted by William "Bo" Ellis (Reno, NV).
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STOL Drag Race -- "The Dog" (N62WY), piloted by Austin Clemens (Benton, KS) versus "Echo' (N314BE), piloted by William "Bo" Ellis (Reno, NV).


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
STOL Drag Racing is the newest racing class event at the NCAR (National Championship Air Races), aka the Reno Air Races. It began in 2019 and was declared an official Racing Class for 2021; thus becoming the first new racing class in 20 years. Along with the Jet Class, Biplane Class, T-6 Class, Formula One Class, Sport Class, and Unlimited Class racing events, the STOL Drag Class exploded into instant popularity. Attendees at the 2021 NCAR saw 25 pilots compete in the drag races.
To briefly describe the race, the course is 2000 feet long and is located right in front of the audience. Two aircraft position side by side exactly as drag racers do on a racing track. When the GO signal is given, they accelerate and must go airborne before they pass a set of cones on the course. They must remain airborne until they pass a second set of cones which are a specific distance down the course. Then they must quickly land, come to a complete stop, then spin around 180 degrees and accelerate again to go airborne before repassing the cones. They stay in the air until they pass the first set of cones again. Then they land. The first one to come to a dead stop wins. As the event progresses, winners compete against each other until a champ is crowned.
It is a fabulous event to see. These pilots are none too gentle on their aircraft as they firewall the throttle to get in the air, then sideslip to slow down, smack the ground, ride the brakes to stop, then whirl around and do it again. I wish they allowed passengers. I'd LOVE to be a pax for just one race. What a rush it must be. But naturally, they want the least amount of weight so passengers are excess baggage. lol
Darryl Sarno
Sweet dual shot Gary! Perfect timing! All 5!
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
09.03.2025 HUSKLloyd Stearman Fld ()Lloyd Stearman Fld () 19:29 CDT 19:48 CDT 0:19
08.03.2025 HUSKColonel James Jabara ()Lloyd Stearman Fld () 13:53 CST 14:01 CST 0:08
08.03.2025 HUSKLloyd Stearman Fld ()Colonel James Jabara () 11:47 CST 11:54 CST 0:06
08.03.2025 HUSKLloyd Stearman Fld ()Lloyd Stearman Fld () 11:15 CST 11:20 CST 0:05
08.03.2025 HUSKLloyd Stearman Fld ()Lloyd Stearman Fld () 11:10 CST 11:12 CST 0:01
08.03.2025 HUSKLloyd Stearman Fld ()Lloyd Stearman Fld () 11:07 CST 11:09 CST 0:01
08.03.2025 HUSKMcmaster ()Lloyd Stearman Fld () 11:01 CST 11:06 CST 0:04
08.03.2025 HUSKMcmaster ()Mcmaster () 10:58 CST 11:01 CST 0:02
08.03.2025 HUSKLloyd Stearman Fld ()Colonel James Jabara () 10:48 CST 10:54 CST 0:05
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