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Piper Cherokee Arrow (N42PG)
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Piper Cherokee Arrow (N42PG)



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Miles BarrettPhoto Uploader
This 1977 Piper Turbo Arrow III is a solo IFR pilot dream to fly! S-Tec 30 auto pilot with the Aspen Pro 1000 and Garmin 430WAAS works like a charm. The JPI 450 shows the fuel used, remaining, Hour and Minutes on board, how much to the next intersection along the way and what remains. The JPI 700 displays the EGT and CHT of each of the 6 Continental cylinders temps for best leaning 75 - 100 degrees rich of peak as set by the day's temperatures for 2400 and MP. It has been flown 150-200 hours per year and may soon need a new home with all the 'retiree'' demands away from my main base of operation in Cape May NJ. But it's a sweet plane and I'm so grateful to be able to enjoy it when it takes me to WY, IL,IA, FL, NY and at altitudes where oxygen is useful. Still with 2 tanks of oxygen and 4 place feeds I enjoy it at 11,000' and 12,000' above the weather and flying west to east at a ground speed of plus 225 knots on 12.5gph. it's been a treat to fly and as a CFI CFII AGI I know it need to fly weekly to be used to its potential. I volunteer around the Globe on military bases and hope to find it a new home soon.
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
25.01.2025 P28SClermont County ()Clermont County () 14:28 EST 16:06 EST 1:38
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