4 Stimmen (4.75 Durchschnitt) und 5.986 Ansichten  

Airbus A319 (N320NB) - N320NB arriving to John Wayne Airport on an overcast and rainy day in Southern California.  This is only the seventh tagged photo of this aircraft, and one of those seven actually shows it wearing its old NWA clothes.
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Airbus A319 (N320NB)


N320NB arriving to John Wayne Airport on an overcast and rainy day in Southern California. This is only the seventh tagged photo of this aircraft, and one of those seven actually shows it wearing its old NWA clothes.


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Dwight Hartje
Excellent capture, Mark! Do you know who owns the office building in the background?
Gary Schenauer
A super pair of pics, Mark, and both worthy of the full five. Well done!
(And while I'm here: I just posted my newest blog article - it features 12 snaps taken at the Reno Air Races. I'll email a link to you so keep an eye peeled for it. You'll enjoy it; the photos are all UH quality and I'm adding more pics on to the article each week.)
Mark SeePhoto Uploader
Thank you both for your comments and votes on both my latest pics.

Gary- That sounds great, thank you and I will keep an eye out for your email.

Dwight- I will look into it later on today when I can get back to my computer because I should have some pictures where the name is not blurred.
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
08.01.2025 A319Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National ()Detroit () 10:05 EST 11:17 EST Planmäßig
08.01.2025 A319Detroit ()Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National () 07:20 EST 08:46 EST Planmäßig
07.01.2025 A319Mexiko-Stadt ()Detroit () 14:16 CST 18:52 EST Planmäßig
07.01.2025 A319Detroit ()Mexiko-Stadt () 08:53 EST 12:11 CST Planmäßig
07.01.2025 A319Traverse City ()Detroit () 06:23 EST 07:03 EST Planmäßig
06.01.2025 A319Detroit ()Traverse City () 22:03 EST 22:46 EST 0:42
06.01.2025 A319Raleigh/Durham ()Detroit () 17:20 EST 18:41 EST 1:21
06.01.2025 A319Detroit ()Raleigh/Durham () 15:01 EST 16:14 EST 1:12
06.01.2025 A319Boston Logan Intl ()Detroit () 09:22 EST 11:12 EST 1:49
05.01.2025 A319Orlando ()Boston Logan Intl () 22:22 EST 00:46 EST (+1) 2:24
05.01.2025 A319Miami ()Orlando () 20:17 EST 20:55 EST 0:37
05.01.2025 A319Orlando ()Miami () 17:48 EST 18:29 EST 0:40
05.01.2025 A319Austin-Bergstrom Int'l ()Orlando () 08:55 CST 11:51 EST 1:55
04.01.2025 A319Salt Lake City ()Austin-Bergstrom Int'l () 18:40 MST 21:53 CST 2:12
04.01.2025 A319Daugherty Field ()Salt Lake City () 14:17 PST 16:50 MST 1:32
04.01.2025 A319Salt Lake City ()Daugherty Field () 12:38 MST 13:00 PST 1:22
04.01.2025 A319Austin-Bergstrom Int'l ()Salt Lake City () 08:00 CST 09:34 MST 2:33
03.01.2025 A319Salt Lake City ()Austin-Bergstrom Int'l () 18:07 MST 21:26 CST 2:18
03.01.2025 A319Kansas City ()Salt Lake City () 15:17 CST 16:44 MST 2:26
03.01.2025 A319Salt Lake City ()Kansas City () 10:37 MST 13:32 CST 1:54
03.01.2025 A319Jackson Hole ()Salt Lake City () 07:57 MST 08:32 MST 0:35
02.01.2025 A319Salt Lake City ()Jackson Hole () 19:52 MST 20:34 MST 0:41
02.01.2025 A319Jackson Hole ()Salt Lake City () 17:46 MST 18:20 MST 0:33
02.01.2025 A319Salt Lake City ()Jackson Hole () 15:40 MST 16:23 MST 0:42
02.01.2025 A319Jackson Hole ()Salt Lake City () 13:37 MST 14:09 MST 0:31
02.01.2025 A319Salt Lake City ()Jackson Hole () 11:15 MST 11:57 MST 0:42
02.01.2025 A319Austin-Bergstrom Int'l ()Salt Lake City () 08:14 CST 10:00 MST 2:45
01.01.2025 A319Las Vegas ()Austin-Bergstrom Int'l () 17:29 PST 21:36 CST 2:06
01.01.2025 A319Austin-Bergstrom Int'l ()Las Vegas () 15:31 CST 16:10 PST 2:38
01.01.2025 A319Orlando ()Austin-Bergstrom Int'l () 12:22 EST 13:45 CST 2:22
01.01.2025 A319Miami ()Orlando () 10:17 EST 10:51 EST 0:34
01.01.2025 A319Orlando ()Miami () 07:38 EST 08:13 EST 0:35
31.12.2024 A319Miami ()Orlando () 19:59 EST 20:35 EST 0:36
31.12.2024 A319Orlando ()Miami () 17:29 EST 18:05 EST 0:36
31.12.2024 A319Austin-Bergstrom Int'l ()Orlando () 08:13 CST 11:20 EST 2:06
30.12.2024 A319Detroit ()Austin-Bergstrom Int'l () 20:17 EST 22:01 CST 2:43
30.12.2024 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Detroit () 15:25 CST 18:24 EST 1:58
30.12.2024 A319Los Angeles ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 09:41 PST 14:00 CST 2:18
30.12.2024 A319San Antonio ()Los Angeles () 06:34 CST 07:37 PST 3:02
29.12.2024 A319Detroit ()San Antonio () 20:43 EST 22:25 CST 2:41
29.12.2024 A319Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National ()Detroit () 18:16 EST 19:18 EST 1:01
29.12.2024 A319Detroit ()Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National () 15:27 EST 16:44 EST 1:17
29.12.2024 A319Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National ()Detroit () 12:35 EST 13:39 EST 1:04
29.12.2024 A319Detroit ()Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National () 10:18 EST 11:24 EST 1:05
28.12.2024 A319Minneapolis/St Paul Intl ()Detroit () 20:38 CST 22:45 EST 1:07
28.12.2024 A319Yampa Valley ()Minneapolis/St Paul Intl () 16:01 MST 18:37 CST 1:36
28.12.2024 A319Minneapolis/St Paul Intl ()Yampa Valley () 13:15 CST 14:21 MST 2:05
28.12.2024 A319Tri-Cities ()Minneapolis/St Paul Intl () 06:58 PST 11:20 CST 2:21
27.12.2024 A319Minneapolis/St Paul Intl ()Tri-Cities () 19:13 CST 20:01 PST 2:47
27.12.2024 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Minneapolis/St Paul Intl () 12:20 CST 14:11 CST 1:50
27.12.2024 A319Atlanta ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 09:53 EST 10:52 CST 1:59
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