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Dassault Falcon 900 (N940CL) - 3 Holer arriving at sunset
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Dassault Falcon 900 (N940CL)


3 Holer arriving at sunset


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Chris Partin
Dave SheehyPhoto Uploader
Thank you Mr. Partin
Daniel Cowan
Very nice shot, Dave 5* as always!
Dave SheehyPhoto Uploader
TYVM Daniel!
Gary Schenauer
Definitely an outstanding capture. The Falcon alone is *****s and the sky adds more ***s. Bravos, Dave. (Also, pics headed your way via e/m. Just need more hours in a day to get to them. lol)
Dave SheehyPhoto Uploader
Hi Gary! Thanks for the feedback and I emailed you a couple winter ramp scenes this morning.
Gary Schenauer
Dave ... Will check in a sec. Looking forward to viewing (and saving) them. I've developed a rather regular "Photographer Rotation" system for my wallpaper selections on my computer screen and there is always one of your new ones included in that rotation. Our group enjoys your pics. At the start of this year, we met and selected our choices for FA's "Top Fifty." (No numerical "ranking" was assigned; we just picked our Top Fifty.) You are there. You've made the list every year we have done this. So please keep 'em coming. I (and others) appreciate your photo shares. (Wave)
Dave SheehyPhoto Uploader
GAry, thank you for the message about my photos! I keep meaning to reply to this message. Thank you very much for the encouragement and also the tips and emails about photography that you always share.
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
02.03.2025 F900Westchester County ()Plymouth Muni () 19:30 EST 20:02 EST 0:32
02.03.2025 F900Opa-locka Executive ()Westchester County () 16:23 EST 18:47 EST 2:24
25.02.2025 F900Westchester County ()Opa-locka Executive () 19:01 EST 21:23 EST 2:22
25.02.2025 F900Plymouth Muni ()Westchester County () 16:31 EST 17:13 EST 0:42
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