Charleston Intl/AFB Airport (Charleston, SC) CHS Bemerkungen
Type | Remark |
E60-33 | TYPE-H BAK-12A (B) (1460') |
E60-15 | TYPE-H BAK-12A (B) (1260') |
E147 | Traffic pattern altitude: rectangular 1154 ft AGL/1200 ft MSL, overhead 1654 ft AGL/1700 ft MSL, light aircraft 654 ft AGL/700 ft MSL, C5A 1954 ft AGL/ 2000 ft MSL. |
A40-03/21 | Lights for both runways are AF spec type. |
A14 | Elliott summey is the director of arpts for the charleston co aviation authorized. The air force airfield manager can be ctcd at 843-963-3028. |
A110-9 | Intensive heavy military jets and other misc aircraft executing numerous cargo and personnel drops, high speed LOW-LEVEL formation flts and misc AIR-TO-GROUND operations. |
A110-74 | Misc: runway 15/33 and 3/21 grooved. |
A110-73 | Restricted: exp runway 15/33 operations suspd 1230-1300Z++DLY for A-G inspection. |
A110-71 | Misc: combat OFF-LOAD operations on N end of taxiway D must ensure that pallets land prior to LEAD-IN line to runway 15 approach end; contact ground if pallet lands beyond LEAD-IN line. |
A110-7 | Prior permission required for parking of general aviation aircraft on terminal ramp contact 843-767-1100. |
A110-69 | Airfield grass cutting operations conducted in control movement area yr round; contact airfield mgmt for daily location. |
A110-68 | Runway cond code (rwycc) not rptd. |
A110-67 | All aircraft use upper antenna until airborne. |
A110-66 | SERVICE-LGT: runway 15 ALSF-2 also operational as SSALR dur vmc. |
A110-65 | Misc: pax terminal operational 0930-0330Z++ daily. after hours contact DSN 673-7005/7006 or C843-963-7005/7006. C-17 eng running onloads/offloads available 24 hr pn. contact 437 aps DSN 673-3193/4 C843-963-3193/4 for coord/apvl. Pass pax/cargo info to palmetto operations 3 hours prior to arrival. |
A110-64 | Caution: runway 15-33 1 ft raised threshold light. |
A110-63 | Caution: fuel pit/switch obst 36 in high located 75 ft left of taxiway D cntln N of taxiway E. |
A110-62 | Fuel: A++ (military) , A+ (atlantic aviation, C843-746-7600) (NC-100, A1+) . |
A110-61 | Restricted: C5, B747, and AN-124 aircraft taxi with outboard eng at idle. |
A110-59 | Caution: military side wg tip clearance lines: taxiway D 161 ft fr taxiway centerline and ramp INTER-TXY 115 ft fr centerline. |
A110-58 | Caution: reduced fire support for C-5 and AN-124 aircraft, degradation of fire fighting capability. C-5/AN-124 with emergency must closely coordinate rqr with palmetto operations. |
A110-57 | Restricted: prior permission required, except airevac, sam and amc gdssii msn, for number and tower training flight transient alert support contact airfield mgmt DSN 673-3024/6, C843-963-3024/6. |
A110-56 | Caution: runway 21 - frequency parking train cars (25 ft AGL) , construction/utility storage yard (20 ft AGL) 1000 ft fr threshold and gravel piles (50 ft AGL) 1500 ft fr threshold. |
A110-55 | Trans aircraft for military ramp follow-me rqr. Military aircraft for FBO parking/service rqr prior permission required (843-746-7600) . |
A110-54 | Service fuel: all aircraft rqr fuel, please have in your possession the white dd form 1896 fuel card, us government air card or your base billing info. |
A110-53 | Misc: airfield surface weather obs taken iaw faa criteria, not AF criteria. |
A110-52 | Restricted: RVR avail via faa air traffic control tower. |
A110-51 | Caution: military ramp aircraft contact chs ground control for eng start and taxi. |
A110-48 | Caution: runway 15-33 1000 ft overruns has frangible raised approach lights. |
A110-46 | Restricted: runway 03-21 closed 2ND tue ea month 1330-2200Z++. Runway 15-33 closed last tue of ea month 1330-2200Z++. |
A110-44 | Service: kchs military provides no security and no aircraft services at FBO'S and commercial terminal. |
A110-41 | Misc: tmpry stor of classified materials: limited classified stor available. 24 hr pn rqr with airfield mgmt. prior coord rqr. contact base operations 24 prior to arrival. no classified stor at command post. For top secret stor contact 437 sos 24 hr prior to arrival DSN 673-0955, C843-963-0955. |
A110-40 | SERVICE-LGT: airfield beacon not visible from northwest. |
A110-36 | Misc: pmsv radio unavailable. pmsv/phone patch available thru 628 CP DSN 673-8400 C843-963-8400. weather flight closed wkends, holiday and down days. military weather field airfield support available 24/7 for svr weather, C843-754-1956. msn weather support hours 1100-2300Z++ MON-THU and 1100-2100Z++ fri, DSN 673-3016/3644, C843-963-3016, closed weekend, holiday, and down days. Msn weather support brfgs for aircrew available via the 260WS/barksdale afb DSN 331-2651/C318-529-2651 dur military weather flight closure hours. |
A110-35 | Misc: airfield mgmt DSN 673-3024/6, C843-963-3024/6. airfield mgmt out of office contact nr C843-609-4362. if civ side of airport is final destn, aircraft comdr will so indicate on dd 175. dangerous cargo aircraft contact ptd prim, palmetto operations secd. All amc msn aircraft contact palmetto operations when within radio rng. |
A110-34 | Traffic pattern: rectangular 1200 ft, overhead 1700 ft, light aircraft 700 ft, C5A 2000 ft. |
A110-32 | Caution: migratory bird season phase II 1-15 apr and 1 AUG-30 nov. Runway 15-33 raised approach light in ovrn, runway 03-21 ovrn 800FT. |
A110-31 | Restricted: NON-AMC aircrews req remain overnight service contact command post (palmetto operations) DSN 673-8400, C843-963-8400 prior arrival. Terminal apn restricted to commercial air carrier and aircraft for cstms clearance by prior permission required. |
A110-30 | Restricted: all aircraft must contact palmetto operations prior to entering military ramp for parking asgn. |
A110-3 | No student solo touch and go landing allowed. |
A110-29 | Restricted: amc aircraft operational restricted dur bird watch cond moderate (takeoff or landing perms only when departure/arrival rte avoid identification bird act, no tower ifr/VFR traffic pattern aircraft) and severe (takeoff and landing proh wo og/cc apvl) , contact palmetto operations for current bird watch cond. |
A110-28 | Restricted: all inbound VIP code 7 or hi, pax, cargo aircraft must contact palmetto operations no later than 30 minimum prior to landing. |
A110-26 | See flip ap/1 supplementary airport remark. |
A110-25 | Oil: NON-DETERGENT oil not available for piston aircraft. O-128-133-148 (military) |
A110-24 | Fluid: soap - routine soap samples not available; sp presair low and high pressure oxygen lox |
A110-22 | Jet air start unit: 8 (MD-3M) 2 (MA-1A) (M32A-60) (M32A-60A) |
A110-2 | Liquid oxygen serving available to military. |
A110-19 | Parking on terminal apron restricted to commercial air carrier and aircraft for customs clearance by prior arrangement only. |
A110*G | This airport has been surveyed by the national geodetic survey. |
A11 | This is A SHARED-USE airport. the usaf owns and operates all runways and the majority of the taxiways. The charleston county aviation authority operates the civilian terminal and associated taxiways. |