A81-APT | Activate MALSR runway 27; REIL runway 09, 13, 31; PAPI runway 09, 27, 13, 31; HIRL runway 09/27; MIRL runway 13/31 - CTAF |
A70-FUEL-100L | L after hours fuel please call 307-634-7079. |
A58-13 | +9 ft fence, 199 ft from runway end, 400 ft rgt. |
A57-09 | Approach ratio 17:1 from displaced threshold. |
A26 | Prior permission required for unsked air carrier operations when air traffic control tower closed please call airport manager 307-638-3872. |
A24 | Tiedown fee. |
A110-8 | Bird activity in vicinity of airport. |
A110-4 | Rcr available on req from air traffic control tower 0600-2200 30 minimum prior notice required. |
A110-27 | Emergency after tower closed contact airport rescue and fire fighting 307-772-6338. |
A110-26 | For clearance contact cheyenne approach at 307-772-6032, when approach closed contact denver artcc at 303-651-4257. |
A110-25 | Runway: runway 09/27 and runway 13/31 have painted assault landing zone markings. |
A110-24 | Military: ANG: cstms/ag - service unavailable. |
A110-23 | Military: ANG: no taxiway edge light on taxiway C and taxiway F. non-standard white age box markings on apn. Nst fire lane mrks on apn. |
A110-22 | Military: service: fuel: A++ (military) available at ANG |
A110-21 | Military: ANG: spot 9 closed on parking ramp ufn. |
A110-20 | Military: ANG: command post DSN388-6470, C307-772-6470 nml operational 1300-2230Z++ MON-THU, limited fri, closed sat, sunday, and holiday. |
A110-19 | Military: ANG: all transient aircraft contact ANG cowboy operations 15 minimum prior to landing. |
A110-18 | Military: ANG: base operations nml operational 1300-2230Z++ MON-THU, limited fri, closed sat, sunday and holiday. |
A110-17 | Military: info: see flip ap/1 supplementary airport info. |
A110-16 | Bash phase II, incr bird haz MAY-SEP. |
A110-15 | Caution: taxiway B1, C and E hold short lines for all runways |
A110-14 | Restricted: taxiway C closed north of taxiway F, taxiway D, and G closed indefinitely. |
A110-13 | Heavy copter traffic 2 nm southwest of airport, surface to 1000 ft dur daylight, weekdays. |
A110-12 | Military: ANG: limited deice service available to military aircraft with ANG prior permission required. Prior permission required DSN 388-6355/6879, C307-772-6355/6879. |
A110-11 | Military: restricted: ANG prior permission required req to parking on military ramp. |
A110-10 | Pilots should avoid F.e. Warren afhp at all times. |