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Major Connecticut Airports

FAA Code ICAO Code Name City State Airport Info Flight Tracker
OXC KOXC Waterbury-Oxford Oxford CT Airport and FBO Information (OXC) Flight Tracker (OXC)

All Connecticut Airports

FAA Code ICAO Code Name City State Airport Info Flight Tracker
BDR KBDR Bridgeport/Sikorsky Bridgeport CT Airport and FBO Information (BDR) Flight Tracker (BDR)
SNC KSNC Chester Chester CT Airport and FBO Information (SNC) Flight Tracker (SNC)
DXR KDXR Danbury Muni Danbury CT Airport and FBO Information (DXR) Flight Tracker (DXR)
LZD KLZD Danielson Danielson CT Airport and FBO Information (LZD) Flight Tracker (LZD)
42B Goodspeed East Haddam CT Airport and FBO Information (42B) Flight Tracker (42B)
7B9 Ellington Ellington CT Airport and FBO Information (7B9) Flight Tracker (7B9)
GON KGON Groton-New London Groton (New London) CT Airport and FBO Information (GON) Flight Tracker (GON)
HFD KHFD Hartford-Brainard Hartford CT Airport and FBO Information (HFD) Flight Tracker (HFD)
9B8 Salmon River Airfield Marlborough CT Airport and FBO Information (9B8) Flight Tracker (9B8)
MMK KMMK Meriden Markham Muni Meriden CT Airport and FBO Information (MMK) Flight Tracker (MMK)
HVN KHVN Tweed/New Haven New Haven CT Airport and FBO Information (HVN) Flight Tracker (HVN)
6Y2 Candlelight New Milford CT Airport and FBO Information (6Y2) Flight Tracker (6Y2)
11N Candlelight Farms New Milford CT Airport and FBO Information (11N) Flight Tracker (11N)
OXC KOXC Waterbury-Oxford Oxford CT Airport and FBO Information (OXC) Flight Tracker (OXC)
4B8 Robertson Fld Plainville CT Airport and FBO Information (4B8) Flight Tracker (4B8)
C44 Toutant Putnam CT Airport and FBO Information (C44) Flight Tracker (C44)
4B9 Simsbury Simsbury CT Airport and FBO Information (4B9) Flight Tracker (4B9)
N09 Northfield Thomaston CT Airport and FBO Information (N09) Flight Tracker (N09)
7B6 Skylark Airpark Warehouse Point CT Airport and FBO Information (7B6) Flight Tracker (7B6)
N41 Waterbury Waterbury CT Airport and FBO Information (N41) Flight Tracker (N41)
IJD KIJD Windham Willimantic CT Airport and FBO Information (IJD) Flight Tracker (IJD)
BDL KBDL Bradley Intl Windsor Locks CT Airport and FBO Information (BDL) Flight Tracker (BDL)


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