Type | Remark |
A30A-35R | Taxiway E2 intersection departure 6300 ft available. |
A30A-35L | Standard departure points at taxiway A and taxiway B; reqs use of runway 35L extn; takeoff at taxiway A and taxiway B asda/tora/toda 10250 ft. |
A30A-17R | Standard departure points at taxiway B and taxiway A8. reqs use of runway 17R extn. Takeoff at taxiway B asda/tora/toda 10245 ft. |
A30A-17L | Taxiway E intersection departure 7700 ft available. |
A110-8 | ANG: duty hr 1200-2000Z/dt 1300-2100Z MON-THU; 1200-1800Z/dt 1300-1900Z fri. apvl authorized 123 aw/ogc; base operations D741-4581/4584/ C502-413-4581/4584. Eng start and taxi clearance - derby operations. |
A110-5 | Line up and wait waiver in efct SS-SR at intersection of runway 17R at taxiway B or at taxiway A8 and intersection of runway 35L at taxiway A or at taxiway B. |
A110-3 | ANG/123TAC recon. |
A110-2 | Ctn: const in prog; fqt runway and taxiway closures psbl. |
A110-14 | ANG: faa gp 6 aircraft 24 hr prior permission required. |
A110-12 | Tail hgt 65 ft or greater 24 hr prior permission required. |
A110-1 | Birds on and in vicinity of airport. |
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